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Schule Birklehof
Birklehof stands for an excellent schooling, which is closely related to an integrated education program and based on the unity of living and learning in a boarding school. Education at Birklehof is characterized by three principles: secureness, evolvement and personal success. Within a very individual atmosphere which is shaped by warmth and mutual respect, the adolescents are encouraged to actively involve themselves into the everyday life of their school. Consequently, a sense of responsibility, social skills, independence, individual initiative as well as the ability of decisionmaking are fostered constantly.
School Website:
Total number of Students:
Number for boarders:
Size of classes:
Group size in boarding:
School Uniform:
School Programme
School Structure:
Study streams:
Natural Science; Languages; Fine Arts
Remedial education:
Special features:
Remediation group classes or individual tutoring
Sports: skiing, snowboarding, climbing, mountain biking, soccer, badminton, golfing, horseback riding, hockey, rugby. Others: Chamber music, choir, theater and drama group, big band, dancing, arts and crafts, pottery, carpentry, filming, computer programming, community service, debating, individual singing and instrumental lessons.
Obligatory German as a foreign language support for international students.
Boarding Information
Accommodation in boarding:
Twins room, year 12 single rooms
Boarding Close:
Special Admission Requirement
Academic Requirement: Average 90% or above