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Schloss Neubeuern

Schloss Neubeuern prepares children for the worlds of today and tomorrow, identifying their talents and fulfilling their needs and potential as individuals, but not at the expense of the rights of others. Home and school work together to encourage growth not only in knowledge and skills but in integrity, determination, confidence, independence and consideration for others. School uniform is obligatory.
School Website:
Total number of Students:
Number for boarders:
Size of classes:
Group size in boarding:
School Uniform:
School Programme
School Structure:
Study streams:
Natural Sciences; Economic Sciences
Remedial education:
Special features:
Supervised, personal tutors helping to organize learning effectively
German as a Foreign Language department
Sports: tennis, mountainbiking, golf, climbing, badminton, basketball, body workout, jazz dance, hockey, horseback riding, skiing, snowboarding, volleyball,
soccer, taekwondo, table tennis. Others: choir, charity project, fire brigade, photography, drawing, multi
media, painting, music group, theater, pottery, student newspaper, chess club
Year 9 onwards students use tablet PCs. Intensive university and vocational
preparation including assessment center trainings, application trainings,
rhetoric workshops and vocational internships.
Boarding Information
Accommodation in boarding:
Years 7-9 two to three students; Years 10 -11 twin rooms; Year 12 single rooms
Boarding Close:
Special Admission Requirement
Academic Requirement: Average 90% or above. Admission is only possible at G.9.