Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Why study in Germany?
Not only has Germany an important position in Europe, but it is also an important international trading partner and player, concerning political and economic questions. German employees from different fields and disciplines are in great demand all over the world and have realistic chances to get a job in an international company in many different countries. Germany itself is also a good and attractive country to work. All these opportunities are established under German educational system, one of the top system in Europe.
Q2. Is there an age limit for entering German High-school?
That depends on what type of high-schools you are searching for. For a typical Gymnasium (Grammar High school), the minimum age is 14 and equivalent to grade 9. Students are seldom accepted after Grade 10 or 11 depends on the school system G8 or G9, the reason behind is that last two years of high school is a preparation time for Abitur (German A-Level) and the performance of these years are counted toward grade of Abitur.
Q3. Do I need to learn German in German high-school?
Not all high-school runs under German curriculum. Although you may choose to participate in British or IB curriculum high-schools, both taught in English, German as a second language is still a compulsory subject in these high-schools. This equips students with language skill that allows them to study in a German programme later in Higher Education, besides multilingual ability is very useful in building career path.
Q4. I want to study under German curriculum, what is the academic requirement?
Excellent Academic performance is important if you are looking for a public high-school, schools are generally looking for 80-95% in average grade. Private schools are less strict in this matter.
Q5. I want to study under German curriculum, what is the language requirement?
If you want to study from Grade 9 or Grade 10, students have to reach at least B2 when applying. If you are joining the Abitur preparation year in Grade 11, you should reach at least C1 when applying.
Q6. What do I need to apply for Bachelor in Germany?
Anyone wanting to study at a university in Germany needs a "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" (HZB), or higher education entrance qualification. This lets applicants show that their educational background or professional qualification allows them to study in Germany. Current minimum qualification is DSE result 6 subjects with level 3 (including the main 4 subjects).
Q7. What if I do not have the minimum required DSE result?
If your international higher education entrance qualification does not directly qualify you for admission to study in Germany, you can participate in a preparatory course at a German university. This is where you, together with other international students, develop the technical and cultural requirements to successfully study in Germany. Preparatory course generally end with the assessment test after one year. After successfully completing the assessment, graduates are permitted to study the subjects that correspond to the subject areas in the preparatory course anywhere in Germany.
Q8. I can not speak German, can I still study in Germany?
The language of instruction at German universities is German in most courses. So you will need an adequate knowledge of German and must be able to demonstrate this knowledge in order to participate in the course. This does not generally apply for students in international courses or certain post-graduate courses.
Q9. Is my german good enough to study in Germany?
If you apply for a course which is taught in German, you will have to prove that you know enough of the language. The most current certificates of proficiency include the DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber) and TestDaf (Test für Deutsch als Fremdsprache) certificates for German as a foreign language. Both are equally well recognised. You are advised to have a command of German corresponding to level B2-C1. That will help you to make yourself understood without anyone else's help, whether out shopping, at the foreign nationals' registration office or at the doctor’s. Moreover, it will make it easier to have a social life and will raise your career prospects if you stay on in Germany.
Q10. Is German education really free of charge?
Students normally do not have to pay tuition fees at German public universities, as most of these universities receive considerable financing from the government. However some states like Baden Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia start to charge international students 1500€ per semester since 2017. Some international courses also come with tuition fees, but they’re not as high as in other countries.
Q11. I want to get into an international program at a public university in Germany, what is my chance?
If your DSE score is only reaching the minimum requirement, the chance is honestly not high. An ideal score would be 6 subjects with a level 4. If you have a mixed of 3s and 4s, it would be a marginal score. Your chance is then highly depends on that year´s competition.