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留學德國 101 . Study in Germany 101

留學德國一定需要德語嗎?雖然以英語授課的國際中學及大學課程越開越多,但德國終究是一個以德語為主的國家,各大頂級公司 (例如:Daimler 、Bosch、BMW、BASF、ThyssenKrupp等) 亦以德語為主。德語除了在生活中不可缺少外,更是事業上不可缺的。即使您選擇英語為主的課程,我們亦強烈建議您修讀德文。大多數的德國國際學校及大學亦會提供免費或相對便宜的德語課程,學生不可錯過!

若有決心留學德國就要盡早規劃,定下一個明確的目標,包括語言能力、各類証書及留學所需費用。可以參考下圖了解留學德國的途經 或 聯絡我們 作免費資咨。

Is it necessary to know German if interested in studying abroad in Germany? Although there are increasing number of international highschools as well as University programs, Germany is still a traditional German dominant country where the top companies such as, Daimler, Bosch, BMW, BASF and ThyssenKrupp, use mainly German as a communication language. German is not only useful in daily life, but also in building a career in Germany. Even though you may choose an English highschool or University program, we strongly advise you to take German in parallel to your study. Many German international schools and Universities offer free or relatively cheap German courses that you should not miss!

If you are determined to study in Germany, make a clear goal including the type of school, a certain German level, certifications needed and a study budget. If you need any assistant, we can offer you a free consult at

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